Geezers of Harley
Geezers of Harley started as a bit of fun at one of our local H.O.G branch monthly meetings. It is a little banter towards the Ladies of Harley Group which is for ladies only! It is not a club.
Geezers of Harley proved popular within our chapter and we had some merchandise made; demand soon grew beyond our chapter.
If you are interested in finding out more about merchandise or Geezers of Harley in general, get in touch with us today.
About Geezers of Harley
Geezers of Harley is a light hearted, informal group of H.O.G. members born from friendly banter at a monthly chapter meeting.
It promotes the common enjoyment and social side of the Harley Davidson motorcycle. Whilst it originated as a bit of banter among H.O.G. members, we have quickly evolved into an informal group of male H.O.G. members who support our L.O.H. members and their functions.
Contact Info
Geezers of Harley